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SAVE Your Thumbs And Wrists And Get Better Results Utilizing Stones As Massage Tools And Discover A Powerful New Modality For Your Massage Therapy.

(without having to spend mega hours learning, paying the big $ and buying costly equipment!)

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Most Massage Therapists understand looking after their bodies is important, but...


ONLY the top Practitioners know that RemStone Therapy®

will help them last the distance.


...and the savvy ones look to Samantha's 'easy to learn, yet amazingly effective techniques' to help them survive their hands-on industry...


Macquarie Natural Therapies/RMT

I've been a remedial massage therapist and owner of Macquarie Natural Therapies for over 25 years. As a business owner, health and safety is always on my mind. I'm always looking for ways to help the wear and tear for my contracted massage therapists, it just makes good business sense.  I completed all the RemStone Therapy courses, and found the techniques so complementary to what I was doing already and our customers just loved the results.  Any massage therapist who is serious about saving their thumbs and wrists and staying in business long term, I would highly recommend integrating RemStone Therapy as part of any health and wellbeing plan.


Hands On Bathurst/RMT

"...I've been using RemStone Therapy for over 10 years now, and I can honestly say without it I would not have lasted 17 years in the massage business! RemStone Therapy is such a great addition for any remedial massage therapist as it not only helped my thumbs, using the stones allowed me to dive deeper and move fascia easier without putting extra pressure on my body. The deep tissue techniques, placement stone sequence and so many of the RemTechnix have been useful tools so I can give my customers great treatments with better results, less invasively – it’s a win win for all, I just love it!..."


 🚫 Thinking you could never use stones as massage tools - "too clumsy!" "messes with the flow of treatment!" "I'm used to my hands and thumbs"


 🚫 Wasting time on a stone massage course and purchasing expensive equipment only to stop because your hands and wrists hurt from pushing large stones around. 


🚫 Thinking that Stones can't be effective tools for deep tissue and fascia release treatments.


🚫 Believing that injury won't happen to you.


🚫 Looking after your customers first and neglecting and not investing time in your own health and wellbeing.


If you've made these mistakes, it's not your fault.


But to become a Top Massage Therapist, to keep increasing your massage income and to avoid potential injury you must stop making these mistakes.  And start recognizing that your hands are the tools of your trade and like any tool, care and attention is needed.


Fortunately for you, I have a proven track record in helping myself for the last 20+ years in the massage industry, and I've also trained many massage therapists to do the same.



Your foundational course to start RemStone Therapy® that is easy to learn, cost effective and practical in a way that helps get better massage results for you AND your customer.

(You'll wish you started sooner!)



Take A look Inside...




(All about stone massage)


In this section you'll discover:

 The essentials in stone massage and gain confidence in knowing where stones come from, best ones to use, and review some basic anatomy and structural engagement. 

 What is Thermotherapy and why can it help your massage sessions.

 Why RemStone Therapy is not hot stone massage and 7 reasons why stones are highly effective tools for your massage tool box.





(All about RemStone Therapy)


In this section you'll discover:

 The Thermics - the unique, only to RemStone Therapy, 3 proven Heat Principles to guide your massages towards success. 

 The cost effective types of stones and equipment to use that suits all budgets (and still looks professional!)

 How the 2 Key Elements that is the basis of RemStone Therapy, Safety and Efficiency can steer you to be not just a good, but an extra-ordinary Massage Therapist.





(All about the Remtechnix™)


In this section you'll discover:

 The best EVER stone heat testing method that's Trademarked, and  does not require messing around with equipment and temperature guages.

 Your first RemTechnix - The FIVE Fundamentals, including detailed hands-on practical training videos of each of the FIVE RemTechnix, PLUS the FIVE in 5 Sequence, and downloadable practice guides.

 You can DYI with the jam-packed online coaching or for all who want the LIVE experience upgrade with an additional 2hr LIVE workshop with the Founder, Samantha.



 RemStone 101 is so jam packed full of value, it could easily cost well over $2000...


But for now, it's all about you starting your journey without breaking the bank. Experience RemStone 101 towards being a better massage therapist - give your thumbs a thumbs up! and wrists a grateful high five! (pun totally intended!)




Gain the essential foundations of RemStone Therapy.

  • Online Course







RemStone 101


(Total Value $587)


Take your learning to the next level with an extra BOOST!

  • Online Course
  • PLUS Booster #1 + #2






RemStone 101


(Total Value $2700+)


NEXT LIVE 2HR WORKSHOP - Wednesday 29th May 2024. 

  • Online Course
  • 2hr Accelerator LIVE Workshop
  • Booster #1, #2 AND extra Booster #3 + #4




What are the Handy Hints and Why Do I need 7 Extra in the BOOSTER upgrade?

Our Handy Hints serve as educational snippets that complement our training videos and content.  Everyone gets 7 included Handy Hints with their sign up for RemStone 101, regardless of level of course bundle.  The 7 EXTRA are extension information for becoming a hotshot massage therapist with stones. I made them bite-sized, easy to grasp, and if you bought them separately, they'd cost you $30.00 each. But hey, with the Booster Upgrade, you get all 7 EXTRA in one shot! (PS. the Booster Upgrade also has a FREE Online Gym Membership valued at $180!)

Now, here's the deal – you don't absolutely need these extra handy hints to nail RemStone 101. They're more like the cherry on top for folks who want to level up fast and gain a bit more knowledge. Think of them as your secret weapons for diving a little deeper into the stone massage game.


What about the 2hr Intensive Workshop?

Accelerate your RemStone 101 learning journey significantly. Complete the comprehensive online course, then join us for a hands-on workshop. This Accelerator Group Workshop is kept small so have all your questions answered and see the techniques up close and personal.

I'm eager to witness your progress firsthand! I'm so passionate to equip you in person, with this 2hr workshop you'll just rocket through to the modules! 

Earn Continuing Professional Education Points! (CPE's)

Our courses including, RemStone 101, have always accrued recognised accreditation within our industry governing Associations. They all have different terminology Eg: Continuing Professional Education (CPE’s), or Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) or Continuing Development (CD’s).

Currently, ATMS (Australian traditional medicine society) will award one CPE point per one hour of course training. If you complete the online training for RemStone 101, you gain 3 CPE points and if you combined with the two hour live online group workshop, you gain 5 CPE points.  We are rolling out more accreditation with more associations, but in the meanwhile, please check with your associations as there are so many around the world, to see how we can help you accrue your continuing education/development points. After all...we are A Helping Hand For Your Massage!

When you hurt yourself...

You constantly stress about the ache and if it will ever go away. You ignore and push on.  All this results in many restless nights feeling overwhelmed. You know how it works, because that's your help your customers with their pain, injury and dysfunction, Yes?

I didn't think it would happen to me even though I knew the data states 80% of massage therapists will experience the unplanned reality of encountering issues similar to those they help their customers with!  I was told at College the lifespan of a Massage Therapist is probably only 2 years until wear and tear starts kicking in! 

If you can't work, your income is drastically reduced, your customers miss out, or worse, you can't do what you love doing! I get it!, you are too busy helping others to help yourself right? And if you keep doing your job, the pain increases, making the whole situation triply bad?  Gee, do I know that feeling...!

I don't want this to happen to you...

A wrong twist, an awkward posture, an angle that pressures your thumbs the wrong way, or a client with hard to get into muscles or even the repetitive motion can silently stir up issues. It's in the background, unseen until you feel it...

No more pain, no more stress on your thumbs and wrists – your tools of the trade. Imagine the freedom from pain and the ability to offer your customers a more effective treatment?


Isn't it Time To Be The Therapist For You?

You will not find anything like this ANYWHERE.

Why? Because RemStone Therapy® is so unique I had to Trademark it! 

RemStone Therapy® is the only training that will 1. help save your wrists and thumbs, 2. get better results with less effort, 3. keep doing the job you love, 4. charge more (if you want)5. add another offering to your massage business.

And also, gain up to 5CPE points if you are an ATMS member!



I'm an Aussie.

And we are tenacious, down to earth and real goers!

Yet...I'm not special.  I know a lot of massage therapists dabble in stones, but the difference being, is that I've spent thousands of hours developing high content training to utilise stones as massage tools so massage therapists can save their thumbs and wrists. Now you can too.

With over two decades in the massage therapy industry, my journey has been marked by resilience and navigating challenges along the way. I've been there, done that and here I am now, so extremely proud and very excited to share all my experience and the wonders of RemStone Therapy, truly I am!

Starting with a fervent desire to 'fix' everyone, I built a thriving business until a wrist sprain forced me to re-evaluate my EVERYTHING! It shattered my very existence.

So I knew I had to do something to stay in the world I loved.

This setback led to the birth of RemStone Therapy, a revolutionary solution born out of the need to prioritize self-care for myself and now my fellow massage therapists around the world. (If you want to know details, please read more in the ABOUT section)

Through this innovative approach, I not only found relief for myself but witnessed remarkable benefits for my customers AND became the highest paid and sought after massage therapist in my area, benchmarking prices.  

 Ps. This is me in the editing studio with the brilliant Kath from getting the final touches together on RemStone 101.



I'm an Aussie, and we are tenacious, down to earth and a little sassy!

Yet I'm not special, but I've just spent thousands of hours developing a training course to save massage therapists thumbs and wrists.

With over two decades in the massage therapy industry, my journey has been marked by resilience and navigating challenges along the way.

Starting with a fervent desire to 'fix' everyone, I built a thriving business until a wrist sprain forced me to reevaluate my approach.

This setback led to the birth of RemStone Therapy, a revolutionary solution born out of the need to prioritize self-care for myself and now my fellow massage therapists. 

Through this innovative approach, I not only found relief for myself but witnessed remarkable benefits for my clients AND became the highest paid and sought after massage therapist in my area, benchmarking prices.  

 Ps. This is me in the editing studio with the brilliant Kath from getting the final touches together on RemStone 101.



Our #1 priority is providing valuable content to help you.  So we stand by our product and services 100% and firmly believe that you will love and benefit greatly from our guidance. 
But, if for some reason, if you feel unhappy after completing the RemStone 101 levels of training, we offer a 100% money back guarantee within 14 days from the day of purchase*


* You must have watched each lesson in full for every section + attended the 2 hour workshop (if you purchased the ACCELERATOR level) for a full refund.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright 2024. RemStone Therapy is a registered Trademarked massage training business.


 What if I've just started my massage career, I'm fit and healthy, and I have no aches and pains, I'll be alright won't I? As Massage therapists, we are in the job of ‘fixing’, but we are also in the business of prevention. So, as a newbie, right now is a perfect time to prevent over-using what is healthy. I wish I had RemStone Therapy as one of my electives whilst studying to be a deep tissue massage therapist!

 I've completed a hot stone massage course before and using the stones made my wrists hurt. This is so common and one of the big reasons why I want to share RemStone Therapy with all who have completed a hot stone course. Some of my customers with aching wrists, were indeed massage therapists, who had spent a tonne of money and time and no longer using the stones because it hurts.  Trust me you'll love RemStone 101!

 But I don't have time to do another course? RemStone 101 isn't like any other course that you've done before, it will become another tool in your massage toolbox. If you can't afford the time now, then how are you going to afford life not earning money, not being able to help your customers, not doing what you love doing? How long will it take you to look for another job? Invest time now to save time later. And if you are an ATMS association member, you can get 3 - 5 CPEs!

 I can't afford the course? We have 3 levels of training purchases, each one with way more value than what we charge. Our first level is only $197AUD, so if you are from USA, its even less! But if that's too steep there is an option of starting with our 10 tips - The Essential Guide to Stone Massage, its only $9.99 (normally $59) be quick, limited time offer at this silly price!

 How long is RemStone 101We recommend the course to be completed in three hours but can be less if you want. And can upgrade to Accelerator for the workshop after I purchase Essentials or Booster Levels?  Sure can! Just send us an email.

 What about the live workshop? This is in addition to the online training content, everyone who has upgraded to the Accelerator level will receive plenty of information for the next available group workshop being held. All that attend must have completed the online training previous to be workshop date.  We do these workshops country centric, which means in your time zone. Each workshop has no more than 20 attendees booked so I can really give you personal attention and cover all questions. These live workshops have been so helpful to see the techniques up close, get to know me, and I get to meet you!

  Is there a 'money back guarantee' if I don't feel it's worth the investment? I can’t possibly imagine that happening when you see how powerful this course is. We could easily sell this for $2,000+. However, I am so confident you will be blown away by it that I will offer a 14 Day - 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee. If you complete the course and don't think it's worth your investment, email our team [email protected] and we will refund you 100% of your investment. Please read the terms and conditions for further details.

 When do I get access to the course? Instantly. It's not drip fed. You get access to all the training and Handy Hints instantly. I want you practicing the RemTechnix ASAP! Okay, now let's get you saving your wrists and thumbs. Complete the secure enrollment form and join me inside.

  What happens after RemStone 101?  RemStone 101 is your foundational course for RemStone Therapy. Once you feel comfortable and you have practised the first 5 techniques, you can move onto the modules and the extension courses.  Everybody once they've got a taste is so eager to keep going and increase their stone skills!


If You Have Read To This Point You Are Obviously Interested in Gaining a Great New Modality AND Save Your Wrists And Thumbs, Yes?





You can start TODAY, for only $197AUD
(that's about $130USD!)


Don't go another three days, three weeks, or not even three months looking after others before you take care of yourself. Don't you deserve to feel good whilst you help others feel better? See you on the inside soon!




Gain the essential foundations of RemStone Therapy.

  • Online Course







RemStone 101


(Total Value $587)


Take your learning to the next level with an extra BOOST!

  • Online Course
  • PLUS Booster #1 + #2






RemStone 101


(Total Value $2700+)


NEXT LIVE 2HR WORKSHOP - Wednesday 29th May 2024. 

  • Online Course
  • 2hr Accelerator LIVE Workshop
  • Booster #1, #2 AND extra Booster #3 + #4




 RemStone Therapy®

DISCLAIMER: From time to time, the Business RemStone Therapy may report on the success of one of its existing or prior clients/customers. The information about this success is accurately portrayed by the Customer. You acknowledge that the prior success of others does not guarantee your success. As with any business or person, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, massage experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the Business RemStone Therapy is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.